A USA Based Non-Profit

Forwarding the Advancement of African & African American Men, Women & Youth in their careers and communities.

About us

Welcome to The Edge Mission of Africa

As of November 2023, The Edge Mission for Africa (EMA) is a newly developed 501C-3 nonprofit organization.  EMA members have strived to empower and advance African and African American professionals in their careers and communities.

A community based on equality that reflects all African and African American professionals.

EMA embraces the inclusion of all voices in our community and across our membership, regardless of race, ethnicity, ability, class, religion, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, or any other differentiating characteristic. To guide us in oucommitment to inclusivity and diversity EMA must be dedicated to creating programs and opportunities that elevate underrepresented voices. We welcome and support diversity in many forms; we believe it is an important way to effect change in our communities.

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Unlocking Professional Excellence

EMA provides an invaluable support network that provides career advice, management support, and professional insight. EMA offers:

  •  Access to selective career opportunities
  •  An international service and member database
  •  Exclusive business resources to selective organizations
  •  A USA and African  network of talented and enthusiastic professionals
  •  Opportunities for mentorship with new trainees
  •  Career development webinars and professional events in the USA and Africa
How we help.

Give a future full
of choices

Every child deserves a healthy start

Provide FREE services to check healthcare and prescribe basic resources like food and medical. 

They do medication and refer patients to a program just as they do any other specialty and improve health to people who are seeking medical care. 

Krista’s Climb for a Cause

Make learning possible for children who are all ages, from kindergarten to high school and adults also. 

Provide learning vocational training, educational opportunities that help adults improve their education, and catch up with modern life. 

Being Realistic With Your Goals

Enhance children protection system to dealing with the prevention of child abuse in general, anti-bullying or prevention of child sexual abuse.

Ensuring children live in a supportive family environment, full educational learning, access to justice and protection from violence, abuse and exploitation.

We always see hope

Provide exceptional healthcare, foods & funds to support victims in natural or pandemic disaster, war, …

Offer free of charge, high quality medical treatment and surgical care for people.

Evaluate If EMA Is Good Fit For You

EMA members are selected based on two main criteria:


We specifically look for professionals who are looking to be: (a) leaders in their community and/or their careers, and (b) demonstrate exceptional business potential. Basically, EMA seeks professionals who are either currently serving in a business leadership capacity, or are looking to develop leadership skills in their careers, and who demonstrate leadership in their personal endeavors– regardless of their interests in the for-profit, nonprofit, or public sectors of business.

Community Service

EMA is driven by our members’ vision to lift one another up so that the African and African American professional community can advance together. Applicants should demonstrate a dedication to the development and advancement of themselves, others, and the African and African American community as a whole. Applicants who are interested are advised to apply after assessing that one’s past experience clearly fits the criteria above. Prospective applicants are welcome to email https://edgemissionafrica.org/with any questions before applying.
We need your help.

Featured Campaigns

It’s through mistakes that you actually can grow you get rid of everything that is not essential to makihave to get bad.

Volunteer Positions Available


Staff and volunteers across 16 countries


Of our staff in these countries are local


Invested in all our programs last year 2019


Invested in all our programs last year 2019


EMA is devoted to our membership and envisions lifting each member working towards lifting up the African and African American professional community to advance together in unity.

Targeted Career Fields

Figure out what Gainlove are most deserving of your dollars, what proactive missions are. 


Includes strategy/management, economic, operations, and communications consulting


Within startups that either have a strong revenue/user base or demonstrate strong potential


Includes asset management, equity research, corporate business development, hedge funds, investment banking, sales & trading, venture capital

General Management

Corporate strategy and leading positions in functional areas such as accounting, business development, marketing, and operations


General corporate, M&A or litigation, capital markets/transaction, tax, employment, and IP & patent

Social impact/Public Sector

Includes prominent nonprofits, NGOs, government, and public affairs

Technology and Product Management

Strategy, product development, data science, and senior-level project management


Administrators and individuals advancing technology and best practices within the healthcare industry.

Questions? Ask!

Fill in your information and we will get back to you — or just give us a call:  (404) 993 3635

    from our blog.

    Latest News

    Grab all latest news for charity, donations, crowdfunding, fund-raising or new campaigns .

    Questions about applying?

    Applications are read by members of the Application Committee. The Application Committee is comprised of EMA Executive Team members, current, and past EMA leaders. Committee membership rotates on an annual basis.